Welcome to Sunshine Health and Wellness Coaching! 

Congratulations on taking the first step towards making long lasting behavior changes for your improved health and wellness. Integrative health and wellness coaching encourages you to look at all aspects of your health and wellness when striving for optimal wellbeing. Together, we focus on sustainable change by exploring nine areas of your health and wellness. We will dive into your motivation for change, and your vision for your future self. We'll set a 3 month goal and break it down into smaller action steps to learn from along the way. Our work together will help you to discover your root causes of health concerns and will help guide you in mindful thinking for doing the work that builds confidence. We'll find the best ways for your mind and body to create new, healthy habits and I'll provide you the accountability and support that you need to make lasting changes.

Domains of Health and Wellness

"Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind, and spirit - the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of well-being." - Greg Anderson